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TU7 (ТУ7) - Soviet, later Russian diesel locomotive for gauge 750 mm (2 ft 5+12 in)1,067 mm (3 ft 6 in).

TU7 - TU7A
Type and origin
Power typeDiesel
BuilderKambarka Engineering Works
Build date1971 - today
Gauge750 mm (2 ft 5+12 in) to
1,435 mm (4 ft 8+12 in)
Wheel diameter600 mm (23.62 in)
Minimum curve40 m (131.23 ft)
Length9,400 mm (30 ft 10+18 in)
Width2,450 mm (8 ft 12 in)
Height3,550 mm (11 ft 7+34 in)
Axle load5 t (4.9 long tons; 5.5 short tons) (?)
Loco weight24 t (24 long tons; 26 short tons)
Fuel typeDiesel
Prime moverBernaul 1D12-400
Engine typeV12 diesel
Performance figures
Maximum speed50 km/h
Power output400 hp
Class RUS - ТУ7 / ТУ7А
 Belarus - ТУ7 / ТУ7А
 Bulgaria - TU7E (series 81 БДЖ)
 Slovakia - TU46
 Vietnam - D4H / D4Hr
 Ukraine - ТУ7 / ТУ7А
 Estonia - ТУ7 / ТУ7А
 Latvia - ТУ7 / ТУ7А
 Lithuania - ТУ7 / ТУ7А
 Cuba - TU7E
 Guinea - TU7E


The TU7 (ТУ7) was developed in 1971–1972 at the Kambarka Engineering Works to replace the aging locomotive classes TU4 (ТУ4) and TU2 (ТУ2). There were 3,361 locomotives constructed, of which several hundred were exported to the countries of the socialist community and affiliated countries. The TU7 - TU7A (ТУ7 - ТУ7А) was designed to be used on any gauge from 750 mm (2 ft 5+12 in) to 1,435 mm (4 ft 8+12 in). In 1986 the locomotive design was updated and designated type TU7A (ТУ7А).


The D4H 1,000 mm (3 ft 3+38 in) and 9 locomotives D4Hr for standard gauge 1,435 mm (4 ft 8+12 in), also known as the TU7 - TU7A (ТУ7 - ТУ7А) diesel locomotive,[1] is a series of diesel locomotives currently used on the Vietnamese railway network. With 77 locomotives D4H 1,000 mm (3 ft 3+38 in) in service throughout the country as of 2005, it is the most common type of locomotive in use in Vietnam.[1] The series was originally procured from the Soviet Union after the Vietnam War.

Additional specifications

See also


  1. "Vietnam Railways: Rolling Stock". Archived from the original on 2011-01-13. Retrieved 2011-01-20. (in Vietnamese)

На других языках

[de] SŽD-Baureihe ТУ7

Die Lokomotiven der Baureihe ТУ7 und ТУ7А (deutsche Transkription TU7 bzw. TU7A) der Sowjetischen Eisenbahnen (SŽD) sind schmalspurige Diesellokomotiven. Unter den Bezeichnungen ТУ7Э und ТУ7АЭ (TU7E bzw. TU7AE) wurden sie exportiert und an die BDŽ (Baureihe 94), ČSD (Baureihe TU 46.0) und VNR (Baureihe D4H) geliefert.
- [en] TU7 diesel locomotive

[ru] ТУ7

ТУ7 (Тепловоз Узкоколейный, тип 7) — советский, позднее российский тепловоз для колеи 750—1067 мм. Спроектирован в 1971—1972 годах на Камбарском машиностроительном заводе для замены устаревавших тепловозов ТУ4 и ТУ2. Построено 3373[2] экземпляра, из них несколько сотен было поставлено на экспорт в страны социалистического содружества и соц.ориентации.

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