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The 2TE25A main line two-unit diesel freight locomotive, rated at 5,000 kW (6,705 hp), with AC/AC transmission and individual axle traction control, is designed to haul freight trains on the Russian Federation lines RŽD with the broad gauge.

Type and origin
Power typeDiesel-electric
BuilderBryansk Machine-Building Plant, Transmashholding, Russia
Build datefrom 2006
Total produced52
Gauge1,520 mm (4 ft 11+2732 in)
Loco weight144 t (142 long tons; 159 short tons) per unit
288 t (283 long tons; 317 short tons) total
Prime moverKolomna Engineering Works 2D49 type
Engine type4-stroke, V12 EFI equipped diesel
Traction motorsDAT-470 (asynchronous)
Safety systemsКЛУБ-У (KLUB-U, Complex locomotive safety system),
МСУД (MSUD, Microprocessor control and diagnostics)
Performance figures
Maximum speed120 km/h (75 mph)
Power output2,500 kW (3,353 hp) per unit
5,000 kW (6,705 hp) total
OperatorsRŽD, Türkmendemirýollary[1] [2]

2TE25A diesel locomotive has been configured on the basis of the previously developed 2TE25K class Peresvet main line two-unit diesel freight locomotive of the same power rating and featuring AC/DC transmission and collector traction motors.[3]

See also


На других языках

- [en] 2TE25A

[ru] 2ТЭ25А

2ТЭ25А «Витязь» (2-секционный тепловоз с электропередачей, 25-я серия, асинхронный) — российский магистральный грузовой двухсекционный тепловоз с шестиосными секциями и электрической передачей переменного тока c асинхронными тяговыми электродвигателями, выпускаемый на Брянском машиностроительном заводе.

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