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Alt-Mariendorf is a Berlin U-Bahn station located on the line. It serves as the current southern terminus of the line. It was opened in 1966. The architect of the station was R. G. Rümmler. The walls are covered with white tiles, and on the southern entrance, wood was used as a reference to the nearby church.[1]

Entrance to the Alt-Mariendorf U-Bahn station
Entrance to the Alt-Mariendorf U-Bahn station
The platform of the station
The platform of the station

The station has a central platform with two exits. The outputs lead to two separate intermediate levels. On the southern intermediate level are three smaller shops. The underground station has one elevator between the platform and the southern intermediate level as well as the street and is therefore barrier-free . The design of the station was carried out by Rainer G. Rümmler . The walls are provided with large white ceramic tiles, while the center columns with natural stone were disguised. The opening took place on 28 February 1966 in the course of the extension of the then line C II of Tempelhof (Südring) to Alt-Mariendorf instead. The day after, the line was renamed line 6.

At the end of 2018, the station was put together along with twelve other stations of West Berlin subway construction during the 1960s and 1970s under monument protection.


  1. Meyer-Kronthaler, J. (1996). Berlins U-Bahnhöfe. be.bra Verlag.
Preceding station Berlin U-Bahn Following station
towards Alt-Tegel

На других языках

[de] U-Bahnhof Alt-Mariendorf

Der U-Bahnhof Alt-Mariendorf liegt im Berliner Ortsteil Mariendorf des Bezirks Tempelhof-Schöneberg. Er ist sowohl der südliche Endbahnhof der U-Bahn-Linie U6 an der Kreuzung der Reißeck- bzw. Friedenstraße und der Straße Alt-Mariendorf mit dem Mariendorfer Damm als auch für den öffentlichen Personennahverkehr ein bedeutender Verkehrsknotenpunkt.
- [en] Alt-Mariendorf (Berlin U-Bahn)

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