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Rosenthaler Platz is a Berlin U-Bahn station located on the . It opened in 1930 and was designed by A. Grenander, making prominent use of the colour orange. From 1961 to 1989 the station was one of the city's many "ghost stations".[1] The station served as a temporary border crossing after the fall of the Berlin Wall.[2]

Platform view
Platform view


  1. "Rosenthaler Platz". Berlin.Barwick.de. Retrieved March 10, 2012.
    - J. Meyer-Kronthaler, Berlins U-Bahnhöfe, Berlin: be.bra, 1996
  2. "Rosenthaler Platz". Berlin.Barwick.de. Retrieved March 10, 2012.
Preceding station Berlin U-Bahn Following station
Bernauer Straße
towards Wittenau

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